Tuesday 1 September 2009

Hello all you yummy people

I have had a bit of a fab day. My energy levels have been sooooo much better the last couple of days. I'm almost off my carbamazapine, my seizures are returning too but I feel so much more alive now my energy levels are returning. I have been triking it big today. Took aaliyah (my niece) & Jaime on the back of my trike (a combined weight of 5.5 stone) to show them where their new schools are (as its there first days tomorra) and then back to meet my sister louise at the gym. OMG at one point I don't think my legs were actually moving. 5.5 stone on the back and cycling against the wind oh and up hill!!! 'Aunty Jane go faster' couldn't even breath to answer.
Got to the gym, did an hours workout and then triked it back to my house. Hence the reason I haven't moved since about 6pm. Wine and a cornetto are helping ease my muscle aches :-)
I have been reading all your comments and I may not get around to answering them, but its so good to share.

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