Friday 20 November 2009

What a week

Monday: Had MRI scan at the hospital

Tuesday: Jamie's coughing began, he totally freaked out in his sleep and was waking up through the night. None of us slept

Wednesday: Jamie was poorly and coughing a lot. Another bad nights sleep. Jamie had a lay in till 7.15am. Had a slight temperature today

Thursday: What a day!! Jamie woke up at 4am. He totally filled his nappy with poo at about 6am and had to be hosed down. Lee did the early, so i managed to have half a lay in. Jamie managed to do 9 big poos today and his temperature went up to 39. Took Jaime to the doc's and he diagnosed him to have flu, but wasn't sure what type so prescribed him tamiflu. I was prescribed preventative tamilflu as I'm considered higher risk. Plus me and lee had to go back later and have our flu jabs, so that I won't get ill. Also had to go to the dentist for my nightmare treatment (a crown) wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. But had a numb face for about 5hrs and then some pain when it wore off.

Friday: Jamie's temp is down, he's still really poorly. But still trying to battle on, bless him. His cough is really bad today and he's off his food a bit more too. Me and Lee are suffering from some side effects of the flu jab. Haven't really done much today, we all had a lovely afternoon sleep tho.

Weekend: Went on my jewellery course on Saturday, it was great I really enjoyed it. Jamie spent time with his aunty Adeline & uncle Dave on sat. Jamie is much better now, but still poorly. He is very cryey and has just fell asleep watching jungle book. Jamie never falls asleep during the day, so I know he's ill. My bigger boy is now poorly. But lee doesn't do being ill!! he try's to get on with things and won't rest or go back to bed (has never had 'man flu') Lee's normal colds only last 24hrs. He is the opposite to me, never catches anything and If he does it doesn't bother him much. Lee got all moody this morning, so I sent him back to bed. He must be ill as he stayed there!!! My two boys are soooo a like :-)
I'm just waiting for the flu from hell to get me, coz I know it will eventually. I never get away with it, its just a matter of time.

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