Wednesday 4 November 2009

Quick update

When ever I say I haven't had a seizure I have one!!!
I had been 10 days seizure free, which I thought was weird as I have been really ill. I'm still poorly, but now its a sore throat and a bit of snot. I'm still sleeping badly, so I feel I'm constantly tired! Maybe tiredness is the reason I had a seizure this morning!

God I sound like an old git moaning on about all my aliments and health problems.....boring.
I haven't had much else going on apart from being ill, so that's what I've talked about.

Anyway, my lovely cousin came to visit at the weekend. She has two children and luckily they all play really nicely together, which doesn't really make sense to our mummy brains!! as they are 2yrs, 3yrs and 5yrs. It could of been so different tho, there could quite easily of been lots of fighting, wars, blood and tears. But we were grateful it was good and they seemed really happy to play together, even if it was very NOISY.

1 comment:

  1. It was noisy at times but I think that was mainly Ben !!! I an so glad they played together so nicely, I think we did most of the time when we were young (and also now !!)I felt so relaxed as they played so nice... just a shame you were feeling poorly !!
    Lovely cousin x
