Wednesday 11 November 2009

Don't really know how I feel today

......Bit up, bit down.
Feeling a bit pissed off I have a tumour, when normally I don't give it a second thought or at least I don't think about it very often.
I think it maybe because I have my scan on Monday!! I don't get worried, scared or upset when I have a scan it just makes me think about my tumour a bit more. The crappy thing is I won't get my results until the 9th December (3 weeks after my scan). That's the bit I do worry about, not in a major way, I just get a bit nervous.
Also I'm having some major tooth stuff done at the dentists on Thursday, which I am shit scared about. I will have to have my mouth open for a whole hour, can you imagine that 'a whole hour'???. I think once that is over with I will feel much better.
The good stuff is I am enjoying being Jamie's mum :-) we are getting more stuff done in the house and Lee is being extra lovely.
Toodle do x x


  1. Hi Jane,
    Good luck with your scan today and the dentist on Thursday, rather you than me! I am not sure why you are having to wait for 3 weeks for your scan results, I usually get mine within 2 days and when I asked Dr Parry last month she advised that they are usually looked at in 24 hours she said if you were anxious and would like the results sooner her secretary can chase for you to save all of the waiting. Good luck and keep us posted Julia X

  2. Thanks Julia. Feeling a bit groggy today! feel like i pick up everything going. Just wanna sleep today.
    Do they give you the results over the phone then? Its 3 weeks till my after scan clinic appointment with Dr Parry! I'm sure if it was bad news, they would contact me sooner!

  3. Know how you feel, I get those sleepy days and sleepless nights sometimes but not too often mostly when John is away :-(
    I was lucky last time had my appt with Dr Parry 2 days after scan and she had results..she said if in future there was a big gap between scan and next follow up then it is fine to phone in and chase if you don't want to go through that horrible wait..I am impatient and I get really anxious but haven't had to chase yet thankfully although I know most people have to every time which just isn't on, and I'm sure as you say if there were any major issues they would be on to you sooner, hope you are feeling abit better and I am glad for you that horrible day is over, speak soon, Julia X
