Saturday 5 June 2010

Me at the moment

Given up on the wine for now! might try something else. It just made me feel like shit and I didn't really enjoy drinking it anyway. Didn't change my seizures tho.

Sticking with Topiramate for now. It seems like my body just takes longer to process the drug!
I started off having really intense side effects and with each dose I went up I acquired new side effects. But slowly over time the side effects decreased and they then eventually disappeared.
I am still going up doses and still getting different side effects each time I increase but I now wait for the side effect to go before I go up another dose!
At the moment its TIREDNESS!!!
Topiramate doesn't seem to be doing its job of controlling my seizures! but I am still on a low dose. But hopefully it should do something to them once I get on a decent dose and all this heart ache won't be for no reason.

I am being a bit of a sad cryey twat at the moment. Its just all this seizure crap is really getting me down and knocking my confidence even more than its knocked already! and its just a constant reminder that I have an alien inside my head.
I just can't get passed this at the moment! its because my seizures have changed. I could of had mild one's and a lot of people wouldn't of even noticed. But now I have these horrible mumbly ones all the time, that just shout 'hey look at me'. I beg my brain not to have these horrible fuckers when I go to see people or do something new/on my own . But it has them anyway, just to spite me!! or just because it wants to, or maybe coz it doesn't give a flying fuck.
Anyway that's me at the moment..... well the short and not so depressing version

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