Tuesday 11 May 2010

Topiramate is not my mate!!

Lots seem to have gone on since my last med update.
Side effects on Topiramate:
1st: I had headaches which have decreased in intensity, but are still there. Tiredness came in with a whack and has decreased slightly but is still dragging me down big time!!
2nd: Increased dose, the above side effects + the next lot of side effects: difficulty sleeping, waking up regularly, vivid dreams and shouting out in my sleep.
My consultant said to see how it goes before discontinuing the drug as the side effects may decrease and may become manageable!
3rd: Increase dose again, all the above side effects + more side effects: Difficulty concentrating, unable to multi task, difficulty finding words, short term memory problems etc oh and even more tiredness!!
so emailed my consultant and said ENOUGH NOW, what's the plan?
I'm soooo tired I can barley keep my eyes open half the time!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jane,
    Sorry to hear you are having yet more problems with your meds, you must be so frustrated and fed up. Has the consultant come back to you, hopefully things are being resolved as we speak, Julia X
