Thursday 3 December 2009

Whats what

Just imagine if you could tell everyone the truth about what you are really thinking!!
When your mum came round 'I don't really wanna chat, but can you do my housework'
When you see some woman treating her kids like dogs! 'what the fuck are you doing you silly women, what sort of adults do you think they will grow up to be if you treat them like that?'
When someone makes you a really pissy cup of tea 'what is this cup of piss? take it back and make me a really nice one' (I do actually say that, but in a more tactful and nice way...I hope!) When people say 'your so lucky to be a stay at home mum and not have to work or worry about money' 'well if you had a tumour you'd be lucky too, fuck wit'. When people say 'wow your house is big, wow you have a big tele' 'well so would you if your life insurance paid out, fuck wit'
I think I would be calling people fuck wit a lot!!! Here I go, on a winge again!!

Its just people keep asking me 'have you had your results yet?' 'when do you get your results?' I don't mind people asking me at all, it shows they are thinking about me and care about me. But OMG I shit you not, the same person will ask me every time I see them or text me every week asking the same questions. Even tho I have told them more than 3 times the date I get my results. It fucks me off coz I think, I have told you 50 times already and if you cared you'd fucking remember, so stop fucking asking me. It ends up having the opposite affect of me thinking they care.
I will then go through getting my results and all the crap that comes with that. Then days/weeks later people will ask me the same questions 'have you had your results yet?' 'when do you get your results?' for fuck sake...I have told you 50 times it out for you really give a shit? or have you just got so used to saying it? is it just an outomatic jane thing? like 'hi hows you?'
Should I get a t-shirt printed with 'I get my results on the 9th of Dec, so stop fucking asking me again, again and again......thank you'
I wish I could just say what I think sometimes, but hey! we never do, do we? I try to be as honest as I can with people (honesty is the best policy) but even I have limits. I believe that you shouldn't be brutely honest as it will cause people upset and hurt, when there isn't any need to.
Okay rant over, its out of my system now.

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