Wednesday 9 December 2009

Right!! lets get this shit over and done with

Not the best start to the week, ill again!
Got tonsillitis on Friday afternoon, was bed bound for the whole weekend. Could finally get out of bed on Monday stinking like a bum hole and having the furriest mouth ever. Managed to get to the docs and she put me on antibiotics (had a shower and brushed my teeth first) I've had quite a lot of tonsillitis in my days, so I know what it is when it arrives for a week end break!

Jane Shann was given her prognosis: Suspected low grade frontal lobe BRAIN TUMOUR
and those words are what changed my life forever.

Jane Shann one year on: No one remembered the anniversary of the biggest day of my life. Well Lee did (obviously) but didn't know what to say, if anything.
It not only made me remember what the whole day was like for Me, Lee and my family/friends.
But it has been like watching it all on DVD. Thinking about Lee having to tell everyone and seeing their reactions (even though I hasn't there!)

Me and Lee had spent the whole day in hospital waiting for my MRI scan from 10pm-6pm (my scan appointment was booked in @ 10am) Had my scan @ 6pm then me & lee went to the canteen and had cauliflower cheese and chips :-) for dinner and when we got back they told us. That's basically it with a few seizures and tests in between etc etc

I can now never say again 'this time last year I didn't know and i was doing this/that.........' It's just part of who I am now. How fucking depressing is that????
That's why I think the first year is a biggy.
Anyway lots of other stuff went on in my little pea wee brain, but can't be bothered to write it today!

Went to get my results from my 6 monthly November scan today (just happened to fall on the day after the anniversary)
Anyway, it wasn't great! with all my positivity, being the deaf frog and deciding I was gonna live for another 25yrs and that I would be one of the lucky ones. Didn't make it good news.
So I was mortified to be told there had been a change. At first I thought 'yes! its finally started shrinking' as well as 'maybe it did fall out of my ear' But then I thought 'oh shit, how bad is it?'

They said that the cyst inside my tumour had grown, but that my actual tumour hadn't. They said they wouldn't normally see it as a problem, but because my seizures have changed and the bad ones have become more frequent they are a bit concerned.
As a result they want to scan me in 3 months time instead of 6months, to make sure nothing is going on in there since the last scan. This will all happen in Feb and will also get the results then too.
Worst case scenario: a change in activity will be shown and I will have to start some kind of treatment. Best case: no change in activity, lets see how your seizures go and its okay to see you in another 6 months time.
So I now have to wait 3 months to find that out.
But hey ho. I've cried a lot today, but I will be over feeling upset, robbed and cryey by tomorrow.
My comments of the day:
Bum hole
Love cauliflower cheese but not hungry enough to eat it
Mirrors in lifts always make me laugh
Smelly arse holes
Can I have a strong cup of tea
I can't believe NO ONE text Lee today
Ooohhhh carrot cake gotta have a bit
So what does that mean
Why am I always ill
It's so lovely to see you
thanks for looking after my little man
give us a cuddle

Anyway I'm putting this shite day to bed.


  1. Hope today is better!


  2. I was thinking of Lee (and Jamie) also alot but just didn't let him know !!!! x
