Sunday 10 October 2010

Mines finished......... it's your turn.
I think it's your turn to tell me things 'you think' I might not know about you. Off you go.........
Don't think I need 100 tho :-)

Need cheering up, having a bit of a shitty time at the moment or should I say shitter time!


  1. Hi Jane
    A few things about me.

    I also hate marmite.
    Drink black tea.
    Hate snakes, worms anything that squirms along the ground.
    I don't like things out of line.
    Can't touch anything dirty or sticky with my hand, (I have to wear gloves.)
    Bound over to keep the peace when I was 16.
    (that was a long time ago, I am a good girl now!)
    I am a big Rod Stewart fan.
    Could go on and on but do not want to bore you.

  2. Hi Debs,
    I knew that last one...'If you want my body and you think I'm' :-)

  3. 1. I hate marmite
    2. My middle name is Amber
    3. I lost my virginity at 18.
    4.I eat a big mac in layers (leaving the burger's until last).
    5.When I was younger I wanted to be a midwife or barrister when I was older.
    6.I passed both my driving tests second time.
    7.I alway's sleep on the left side of the bed. (or is it right ? Depends which way you look at it I suppose, I'm doing it fron looking down on it)
    8.I have no gallbladder.
    9.All my tops have to be 36inches or longer.
    10.I have 3 tattoos (I love them all).
    11. I have been under anaesthetic twice.
    12.I love dragonflies.
    13.I have been on an airplane 4 times.
    14. I have 30 cousins.
    15.I weighed 5.5lbs when I was born.
    16. I hate tomatos.
    17. I hate it when my toenails aren't painted !!

  4. No 12: is WELL obvious :-)
    No 17: yeah totally, I think that as well (about mine)
    I hate seeing other women with naked toe nails too! I just don't look.

  5. 18. I prefer to drink out of a bone china mug.
