Wednesday 18 March 2015

Its all bullshit

Its all fucking shit it's shit shit shit shit shit bollocky fucking shity fuck.
It's all fucking bullshit. nobody knows, nobody feels it, nobody gets told no sorry you can't do that & how many times do I have to hear those words?, how many times I have to just deal with it?, just move on? how many people say those words and not realise its another long line of can't do's and say it like it's no big deal!!!!!!! well it is a big deal a very large big fucking deal. Nobody knows how draining every fucking day can be. I shall just live 50% of my life because of this shity fucking illness that stops me, believe it or not, it's not just me and my seizures being the problem. It's other people, that just immediately say no or you can't do that as soon as they hear the magic word EPILEPSY. It's like poison as soon as it's said! It's not fucking rabbis!!!! I live with this every fucking day and today was just one too many "you can't do that"
Complete fucking bullshit.
Cried a lot and now I'm going to have a crisp sandwich and have some time to wollow in self pity for about half an hour. Then I will just move always.

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