Saturday, 26 September 2009

What do I believe?

Some people believe in god or a greater being.
Some people believe they have a destiny/fate (a predetermined future)
Some people believe in angels, devils and fairies (i don't believe in fairies, but wish they'd do my housework whilst I sleep)
Some people trust in science.
Some people believe in evolution.
Some people believe a pint of beer or a bottle of wine holds all the answers.
Some people believe that we all have a soul mate out there somewhere
Some people believe in heaven and hell
Some people believe in father christmas and the tooth fairy
Some people believe in the spirit world
Some people believe in healing
Some people believe in the power of the mind/thought
Some people believe that everything their parents said is true
Some people trust in modern medicine
Some people believe in living for the moment/living live to the full
Some people believe that everything will sort itself out in the end
Some people believe that everyone will do it for them
A lot of people believe it will never happen to them
Some people believe food is the answer
Some people are unsure of what they believe and some people claim not to believe in anything.
What are beliefs for? why do we need to believe in anything. Maybe its to give us hope, comfort, to belong, reason, safety, happiness, security or maybe its because that's what we have learnt to believe or maybe its r choice to believe after life experiences and events.

Well what do I believe..............I believe

That good or bad everything happens for a reason.
That Lee loves me with all of his heart and soul and will always be there for me no matter what.
That I've found my soul mate
That Jamie will grow to be a loved, fabulous and happy person.
Oh................and I believe in Myself :-)

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