Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Spoke to soon.......

......Had a big seizure this morning. I haven't been sleeping well, so that could of been a trigger!!
I do get stress neck (as I call it) so that has been effecting my sleep. I went and had a deep massage on my neck & shoulders today (lush) it feels a lot better already.


  1. Sorry to hear that you've had a biggie - not much fun, especially in the morning. I've been having 8-9 a day at the moment, but I think that's due to a cold.
    Hope you get another three days off!

  2. Don't your many pills control your seizures? Do you still have them on a daily bases?
    That is harsh having 8-9 a day!

  3. Reading 'biologist's' comments. My hubby also feel's 'funny' if he has a cold or is unwell as if his med's don't work properly. (using the word 'funny' as he no longer has fits, but behaviour changes slightly in way's).
