Saturday, 3 October 2009

Hard day

Its been a hard day, but i wouldn't change any of it for the world.

Jamie was such hard work today. Pulling curtains, kicking things, running off, not listening, being can imagine the scene.
Constantly pushing, pushing, testing, testing, testing all day not one minute let up. I managed to keep my cool all day (not sure how), explaining reasons calmly, acknowledge his feelings, being patient and most of all reminding Jamie that I love him.
Fuck me its SO hard to be all those things when your faced with a day like today. I did shout at Jamie once today and he said "don't shout mummy, its not nice to shout at people" I said "sorry" explained why I shouted and we had a hug.
I want Jamie to feel secure in the fact that no matter who he is, what kind of day he's having, what mistakes or choices he makes that I love him. I think it is so important for Jamie to know that he is loved without conditions (That I love him unconditionally).
It is also important to me that I guide and teach Jamie rather get him to follow instructions and learn to be/do what I tell him to be/do.
Even tho we have these hard days, Jamie doesn't have tantrums and I'm still waiting for the 'terrible two's' to start!!!
Having said all that. Days like this remind me that I love being a mum, that I'm so glad that I'm here to be a mum and more importantly here to be Jamie's mum.
He has drained every ounce of energy out of me today and I was sooooo relieved when it was finally his bed time.
but as I said..........I wouldn't change any of it for the world.

Oh and the best bit of today was.....My gorgeous hubby rode 100km on his bike (off road) to raise money for the Astro fund. I'm so so proud of him.


  1. Congrats to Lee for managing the 100km! :-)

    Sounds like you have a great attitude no matter how tired you get! My nephew is only just 3 months old and looking after him just for a couple of hours drains all the energy I have!

  2. You are an inpirational MUM !!! Just to think of the 'alien' concept to you a few year's ago... you have so much more patience than me and I am so ...... (can't think of the word for now), jealous sound's stupid !!!)
