Sunday, 16 September 2012


For some reason all of my video's on this blog are not responding!!!
I've got my technical support team on the case. So hopefully I can get them back up and running as soon as possilble

Friday, 14 September 2012

February and September

Me and Lee

Thank you for my lovely purple hat Danielle

Hair update

Do you think I should be charged £25 for a wet cut?
I went into the hairdressers earlier today (one I have been in before and they know me)
I asked how much it would be just to tidy up the edges and even it out a bit.
I could either have a re style for £17.50
or a wet cut for £25!!!
Do I look like I need a fucking wet cut or re style!? (I obviously didn't say that).
My sis suggested to the receptionist about charging me for a gents cut instead!
Then a young stroppy girl (another hairdresser) pushed passed me and said to the receptionist (didn't talk to or even look at me) she can't have a gents cut it has to be a ladies cut and walked off.
Bearing in mind I had gone in and took my hat off so they could see what I was asking for and other customers were already looking at me.
The receptionist just looked at me. I said don't worry about it (nearly in tears) and walked out. This has REALLY upset me. I think I did really well not to cry. Good job my sister was with me.
You know what I'm like about my hair etc anyway and I was being brave just going in there (for me) I won't be going in any hairdressers after today for sure!!!